While your employees deliver critical services to citizens—who’s looking out for your lone workers safety?
All layers of government deliver a broad range of public services, including transportation, parks, transit, prisons, environmental, public safety, natural resources, utilities, healthcare, and much more.
Government personnel work hard putting their lives on the line providing everyday services as well as more obvious dangers like re-establishing electricity to homes during a storm or rehabilitating inmates. You need to ensure the right safety practices are in place to protect your most valuable asset—your employees.
In June 2013, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) in the United States reported nearly 500 work-related fatalities in Government sectors. BLS also reported that almost 6,000 state and local government transit and intercity bus drivers were injured at work.
Incidents are not exclusive to activities with obvious risks but also occur in healthcare, sanitation, parks and environmental services, putting many lone workers on disability, sometimes short-term and, in many cases, for life.
Your teams often work in public-facing environments, facilitating the services of each government layer and risk run-ins with unstable or injured civilians.
From utility workers and parking attendants to parole officers and parks personnel, you are responsible for the safety and well being of all of your lone workers.
Are the right processes in place to immediately coordinate an emergency response when your public servants need help?
To make a difference, no time can be wasted in managing your emergency response.
Many organizations still use antiquated check-in procedures to ensure the ongoing safety of lone workers. This approach has proven it is not capable of responding fast enough, in real-time to make a difference for your lone workers.
Optimized emergency response time is at the core of Blackline Safety’s solutions. We provide all customers with the ability to quickly respond to injuries, health incidents and even animal attacks, in the shortest time possible.
In Government applications where Blackline’s technology is used, responders can be directed in real-time not only to a precise outdoor location, but the exact floor and room an employee is located if indoors.
Our technology shaves minutes, even hours, off response time, when lone workers need help—regardless of location.